Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Create Table without using mouse and menus in Word

Create Table without using mouse and menus.... sounds intresting na....:)
To day i got one mail on this... so i would like to spread this information....

Do you know its possible create Table without using mouse and menus in MS word and Outlook. Here its that…

Type the content ( +——+——-+——+ ) in Microsoft Word , Outlook and press Enter . One row of a table will be created and for more rows you can press TAB.
Step 1:

Step 2: (After pressing Enter having the cursor at the last ‘+’ Result will be like the below one)

Step 3: (press TAB to create more Rows)

In this ' + ' represents the column borders and ' – ' represents the length of the each column. It is one of the Easter Egg in Microsoft Word.

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